1.  Recognizing Wetlands (USACE) (PDF 1,018 KB)

     Recognizing Wetlands - Informational Pamphlet (USACE) (PDF 43.6KB)

2. NH Water Resources Primer: Chapter 5 Wetlands (NHDES) (PDF 14.6KB)

3. Clues to Identifying Forested Wetlands (NHDES) (PDF 53.4KB)

4. The Importance of Hydroperiod In Wetland Assessment (UNHCE) (PDF 1,021KB)

5. Natural Community Systems of NH (NHNHB) (PDF 1.6KB)

6. Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England - 2004 (PDF 1.6MB)

7. How to Read a Topographic Map (NRCS) (PDF 296KB)

8. NHNHB Rare Animal List - July 2011 ed. (PDF 336KB)

9. NHNHB Rare Plant List - July 2011 ed. (PDF 694KB)

10. NHNHB Rare Animals/Plants by Town - July 2011 (PDF 1.52 MB)

11. NH Rare Plants by Habitat - 2008 (PDF 111KB)